Breastfeeding is taking a toll on my mentality


I am a FTM to a 5 week old baby boy. He was born spontaneously at 36w5d with no issues and weighed 5 lb 5.4 oz. He has since gained weight as expected and was 7 lb 10 oz as of Monday 10/26. I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding since day 1 but it’s been quite a struggle. First we had latching issues so I was given a nipple shield which he works fine with. We are currently working on weaning him off of it and it’s a hit or miss if he latches without it but I’m hoping as he grows it gets easier. Anyway, I’ve also had an issue with oversupply and a forceful letdown. I have cut down pumping and pretty much worked out the oversupply so it’s much better but I still have a forceful letdown that I have to unlatch my son and let release for a few moments before relatching to prevent choking him. For the past 2.5 weeks we have been experiencing gas issues that were very intense at first but have gotten better. At the time we tried gas drops and gripe water but ended up moving to probiotics which we feel is helping. But we still deal with what feels to me to be frequent spit up and occasional vomiting of what looks like an entire meal. I make sure to burp during and after feeding and try to hold upright as long as I can (harder at night) to help but it’s still a problem. In addition the past week has been majorly rough with fussiness/crying for what appears to be no reason as we check all the bases. I feel like breastfeeding is taking a huge toll on me mentally. I constantly feel like it’s my fault whether it be the oversupply, let down, or now if it’s something I am eating. I keep reading a cow milk protein allergy can be an issue with breastfeeding and the idea of trying to eliminate dairy seems daunting and something I really don’t want to endeavor as I already had to alter my diet during pregnancy for gestational diabetes and that was a lot. However I don’t want to give up breastfeeding either. I feel so lost and unsure what to do and just cry at times because I just want him to feel better and be a happy baby. He’s also sleeping a ton right now too. I keep hoping it’s just a phase but I’m not so sure anymore and losing confidence.