Smoking while pregnant- diagnosed bi polar


Hey everyone

No judgement please

I smoke weed daily due to my anxiety and bipolar and me not being on any medication for those ailments. I smoke Multiple bowls a day as well as smoke my vape pen throughout the day.

I found out i was pregnant the night of October 29 2020 And i did smoke a bit because i was overwhelmed and I’m wanting to smoke again now. Everyone is saying not to smoke during the pregnancy because it causes defects and other things but idk how i can last a full 9 months with no weed. Especially since i use it to curb my anxiety. And pregnancy in itself is a stressful situation.

Is there really bad effects weed has on babies or is that jus something people are saying because there’s no real Knowledge? Like honestly. .. is smoking during the pregnancy really that bad? And is there a way to smoke with out it having negative effects?