I can’t believe I’m saying this: should I do another egg retrieval?

Jancy • TTC since Jan 2019: I ectopic, I MC, 1 chemical, two retrievals, 9 (!) embryos on ice and one successfully implanted and due 10/8!

Hi ladies!

So I woke up this morning with kind of a nutty idea.

We just had our first retrieval and had really good results, even though we lose an extra 50% of embryos because my husband has an autosomal dominant mutation that we want to screen out. Ultimately we got 4 embryos!

We were planning to go straight to FET...but I just today thought: should we do another retrieval now?

I know that I actually want 3 kids, and would LOVE to have a girl. I’m 34 now, and the likelihood that we could get 3 live births out of 4 embryos is kind of low, and by the time we would be trying for a third, id be like 37 or 38 at least. Plus for me, we’ve had trouble staying pregnant(multiple losses), so I feel like we kind of need some extra chances to get there.

I feel like it’s sort of selfish to be thinking about 3 kids now when really we would do anything for 1 in this moment. But at the same time, if my eggs are pretty good right now, maybe we should just bite the bullet both for my peace of mind and to improve our chances? It would be a big additional financial expense...but I can imagine it would be so much harder to get good results a few years later.

Thoughts? Anyone out there in a similar situation, trying for #1 but at an age that you’re already worrying about #2 or #3?