Pee Stick Addicts- where ya at!?!?


Helloooo everyone!

So- like most people I need you all to help me decipher my test from tonight 😅 I will post a photo in the comments BUTTT I need the ladies that are super well versed. I am 10 DPO- Had crazy symptoms earlier on then they dropped all together. Then this morning I woke up and was SO naseaus and cramping a little.. I took a test this afternoon with my cheapie easy @ home brand. When I tell yall the FAINTEST line came up. From what I've been researching those and FR don't hardly get evap lines. Can any PSA confirm that? I ended up going to see my mom and grabbing a FR on my way home- but when I tested with that it doesn't look faint at all.. I'm so confused and of course ran with the fact that I thought I saw a faint on the easy @ home. The only thing I can think is I had dinner with her and drank so much water it may have diluted it

I am gonna retest in the morning with both brands but that doesn't help my anxiety for the rest of tonight HAHAHA. I'd love to say I'll just go on about my night without thinking about it. But that's a hard pass. Can anyone share their experience with either brand and evap lines? Thanks in advance! 💓