Baby girl born 10/26 vbac!


On 10/25 (my due date) I had about three small gushes of fluid that seemed much more than discharge so we went in to L&D to be checked. Turns out, was just discharge after all and After being observed for a couple hours they sent us home. I’d been dilated for about 4 weeks to 4cm and I had 2 unsuccessful membrane sweeps and was on the waitlist for induction. I had been having prodromal labor for weeks as well. Needless to say, I was over it! Being sent home was demoralizing but luckily I didn’t have to wait long.

That next morning I woke up to legit, painful contractions that left little doubt. It was go time! We dropped my son off at my in laws and headed to the hospital. It was the first snow of the year and morning rush hour so that wasn’t fun. But we got there in decent time without having a car baby! Woohoo!

We get checked in and go through the whole procedure again that we had just gone through the night before. Our nurse was lovely and when she checked my cervix at a 5.5 and observed a few contractions it was obvious I was In active labor. I immediately asked for the epidural bc I’m no hero and being a second time mom I didn’t want to miss my window. Doc came in to place it and while I don’t remember much about getting it w my first, I do remember not feeling it at all. This one I was a bit more aware and felt the needle going in to the catheter but no pain.

After a few hours of very easy breezy labor. Then the hard part. Pushing. I was a tolac as my son was born via c section due to being breech. Which we didn’t find out until I was 9cm! Yay! Anyway. This girl was still just a bit too happy in the womb so my doc gave me a bit of Pitocin to ramp up my contractions so my pushing would be more efficient. After 2.5 hours (and almost throwing in the towel) my girl was born. She was NOT a small baby! 8 lbs and 10 oz.

They placed her on my chest for skin to skin and left us alone. Something I never got to experience w my son. I put her to the breast and she immediately latched and her eyes opened wide w surprise as her suckling reflex kicked in. It was the craziest thing to watch and I’ll never forget it. It was as if she thought “this is liiiiiiife!”

All in all, our family is now complete and I got the birth experience I wanted that I didn’t get last time.

And here she is!!!