The crazy train has pulled in at 5dp5dt 😂


So, I was already in the August/September group, moved over to the October group and now I’m here in the November/December group. Thank goodness there’s a group cause the crazy train has pulled in at 5dp5dt.

I had my second transfer of 4AB beautiful hatching embryo last Wednesday, October 28.

Backtrack and I was doing PIO shots for 6 days before (the 6th day being my transfer day). Estradiol patches every 48 hours. And that’s pretty much it. Just had sore boobs.

Since 2dp5dt I’ve been nauseous. To the point where Saturday I was supposed to make chicken wings, opened the package and wanted to 🤢. My husband ended up cooking and the whole time I just smelt foul chicken. They weren’t at all close to the expiry date and both he and his friend smelt them and said I was nuts. Same thing happened last night (4dp5dt) when I tried to cook chicken again.

Last night, I was sweating profusely. I woke up around 2 am, my pillow and sheets were drenched in sweat and I was soaked. We have a humidifier monitor in the bedroom that also shows temperature and it was only 21 (Celsius...I’m Canadian lol, that’s 69 in Fahrenheit).

I also have MILD AF feelings.

I know some will say, “you can’t have symptoms this early” but you know what, I do 😂.

Does anyone want to board the crazy train with me? LOL.