Baby will only feed in football position on right breast


My baby is going to be 3 months on the 11th. She never liked my right breast, I think my nipple is too small Idk. The first couple of weeks I had to use a nipple shield for it but then eventually she got the hang of breast feeding and I just didn’t need it at all and she was feeding off of both my boobs perfectly fine, she would take either one with no fuss. Then suddenly last week I noticed she would throw a fit if I tried to put her on my right breast, and when she would take it she would constantly pop off to smile at me or talk or just stare and I thought it was cute but then I found out that’s a sign of a bad latch. She hasn’t had a full meal off of this breast since I noticed these things. Last night I was insistent she take this breast because I don’t want to ruin my milk supply and I noticed this breast wasn’t getting full anymore so I was hamburgering it for her and etc and then finally I put her in the football position and she actually started drinking from it. Now this is the only way I can get her to drink from it. I’m just worried because she was doing just fine before. My other breast is producing just fine. Is she doing this because it’s not making as much milk or she’s realizing she likes the other one more? I need some advice.