I said I would do this because it may help someone ‼️‼️‼️


I just want to take you all on this journey with me I am currently 4. days late for my period I don’t know if it will result in me getting a positive or if it will result in my period being late I just want to give a little insight along the way leading up until either a positive test or up until my period

Missed period Day 1-I took a pregnancy test in the middle of the day and it came back negative symptoms tiredness headaches and backaches

Missed period Day 2-I took a pregnancy test

today and I see a faint line symptoms today I had some pinching and pulling feelings in my lower abdomen that almost felt like period Cramps but were not as painful.. my boobs are sore and I’m tired

Missed period day 3 I got this(test below) symptoms sore boobs extra tired