Sex day before a peak reading

So my SO and I have been trying for a few now and I’ve been using a OPK for a while and this month I’ve had nothing at all then today the test shows I’m at peak however my partner is away at work until Monday!

My question is, if we had sex yesterday, and today is my peak time, how good are my chances that I could be pregnant this time round? I text my SO while he is of working and he was so excited that this could be the time (we’ve never got it so close before) but I wanted to quick check in with you ladies and see what you all thought?

A bit of history we had a m/c early in the year (I had the nexaplon implant at the time and we didn’t know we were pregnant) and now we are trying for our little rainbow baby! I have a history of endometriosis but I guess I just want some reassurance and maybe some hope! 💛