Flu and covid positive


I’m so frustrated right now. Last night I had fever to 100.9 so this morning I called my ob because if the high fever. She told me to get the flu test to rule that out.( mind you Thursday I went to get tested for covid cause my husband said he might have gotten into contact with someone with covid and still have not received the results as of this morning.) I went to get tested 20 min later the call me and they tell me I’m positive for flu, so I was like ok I have the flu covid should come back negative. Well I thought wrong. Few minutes later they call me tell me I also came back positive with covid. So not only do I have flu, but covid to worry about. All that being said. I asked about my husband to make sure he is also posits since that is where I thought I gave gotten it. Welll I guessed wrong. He is negative. So I been retracing my steps. And I think it was at Walmart. Because of how back my days go I’m thinking I have 5 days with all this. I thought maybe on nov 4th because I went to cvs and this lady started coughing with ni mask, but doesn’t add up with my symptoms. So yeah! I’m scared for my child, not really for me. Because I have struggled so much. This is suppose to be my rainbow baby. I pray and pray it still will be. People don’t give damms. Me includes. People without masks at stores. Some off us don’t have other option than going ourselves to the store to get supply. I don’t. Go out because I’m bored I go out because of need, but people are so irresponsible not wearing masks. Not doing their part. Now I’m adding myself to the thousands of infected and on top of that the flu...

I just hope my baby is ok I have gone through 4 miscarriage and one ectopic. This will and has to be my rainbow baby. 🤧❤️😞💔