Tell me im not tripping 😔

My now ex husband was cheating on me

I found out because he left open his dating app on his phone while he was drunk!

What was his excuse?

He told me that it was because im always in a bad mood (I have 4 kids which includes twins) how does he expect me to be okay 24/7? I’m not saying im mad 24/7 but I do be tired and really frustrated as a stay at home mom and my kids are under 6 years.

He says when he gets home he feels this bad vibe just cuz im frustrated! STILL IS NOT AN EXCUSE IM A TIRED MOTHER DOING HER BEST 😭😭

Hes other excuse was because I don’t give him enough attention but I do give it to him I do try my best!

Why cheaters always find an excuse why?

I cook , clean, do laundry, fold everything alone, and he expects to find an energetic woman after work? 😭