Just a little emotional.... anyone else can relate?

Autum • Oct. 2020 ❤️

I feel so emotional when it comes to my son 🥺 I feel so extremely blessed to have something so pure and perfect in my life. I have not had an easy life, and I never had a close family at all due to an abusive father. None of us ever were emotional or even said I love you. So I’ve never known a love like this, & have my own loving family. And the older I got, the more it felt things always went wrong for me, but with this little human everything feels so right ❤️ and I feel so lucky 🥺🥰 even tho yes I still have my nights where I feel crazy due to being so tired! But here’s some pics of my perfect little man theo ❤️ feel free to share your stories if you want☺️