My story...

I want to be able to share my short marriage story cuz I can’t bring myself to share publicly yet. I got married to my soon to be ex husband in September 2019. We got married during the week and then had our reception on the weekend in his parents backyard and was camping out there as well. I never went camping before mind you. I also found out I was pregnant few days after we got married. Day of our reception red flag number one of marriage was going to go sour.... he went golfing with his friends that morning and left me to remember to bring everything to his parents well I forgot pillows and his cowboy boots. Boy did I hear about it that night when trying to go to bed. Then month after we got married I got really sick. I got scared cuz I had two miscarriage shortly before this pregnancy. Was in and out of hospital and doctor and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Last time went in sick and in a lot of pain they couldn’t find anything on ultrasound but was about to send me home but ex husband said I could barley walk and that when they decided to do surgery and I had ectopic pregnancy and just about died on the table from bleeding. That when everything in my marriage when downhill. I was blamed for yet another pregnancy loss, I was told I changed. Well shit I lost another pregnancy and didn’t have his support of course I changed. Well he turned to a female co worker (a another co worker daughter and that mother was at our wedding reception celebrating us) he cheated on me with her. Disappeared every weekend. Denied cheating even after seeing proof in messages and still denied it. He walked out on me end of January. After he walked out another woman came forward to tell me before we got married he told her he was in a open relationship with me but he wasn’t. But now I look back and think why didn’t I see the signs of this from the beginning when I got a message before from a lady asking if I knew he was on a dating site or him having a lock on his phone. Now I am going through a nasty divorce with him not wanting to pay things that was in both our names or paying me for damages he left in home we shared at the time and blocking me to ask about the money or to make a time for him to collect rest of his belongings. But I since then moved on and found an amazing man that has been my rock in all this.