Breastfeeding one breast each feeding

So usually when I feed my daughter she will only drink from one side for about 15 minutes and she’s done. Rarely she will take to both breasts in one sitting. I then have been pumping the other side as I’m very engorged and uncomfortable if she doesn’t empty both breasts. I definitely think I have more milk this time around from when I had my first daughter. I get about 3oz each breast if I pump. But I’m starting to wonder if pumping the breast she doesn’t have each feeding is telling my body to produce more milk and that’s why I feel uncomfortable. My breast become hard like a rock and uncomfortable. Not sure what to do... it’s also a pain in the but most the time have to pump one breast. During the day when she’s feeding every 2 hours I don’t pump the other side. But during the night or when she does a little Longer stretch sleeping 2+ hours I have to pump to relieve the pressure and pain... my daughter is 2 weeks old. She also sometimes chokes while feeding not to sure if that is because of my letdown or what... advice/tips would be appreciated thanks