Does this have color? Or is it an indent?


Okay ladies! So I have been “feeling pregnant” with what would be my 4th child, I also miscarried between my kids, so it would be my 5th pregnancy. . I’ve been there, done that. I know what it feels like. But my cycle is throwing me off so much, I have no idea when I’m ovulating I’m trying to track but is still kinda difficult. I should be expecting my period on day 32-34. Today is day 32. I’ve tested before now (because I’m a pee on a stick addict) and they have had VVVfl on them, but ultimately end up being negative. So My problem now, though, is that I cant get my ovulation tests to go back down. So I keep getting positive OPKs and squinty eye lines (that are probably in my brain) but I’ve heard OPKs can be positive when pregnant, so now I’ve got myself all crazy again wondering. I know the indent lines are bad right now, but then I also remember my one day of light brown spotting I had. (Implantation?) and wonder if I could be having a chemical pregnancy? I’d just like to know as soon as I can because with my last baby I had to take progesterone and I think it helped me keep him, and my lack of it was probably why I lost the baby before him. . . Anyway! Calm me down please! Thank you! I’m sure it’s negative and I just need to wait for AF to maybe come a little late this time around.



Thanks ladies!! If you don’t know, just comment anyway and tell me what you think! Nothings worse than no comments when you’re going cray! 😂