Child’s father. Any advice would be helpful. What would you do?

He always talks about messing with other females (sex) even if I’m otp & he’s talking to his friends or something. Like earlier he said “wait till she gone through the back door ima get her like hey how you doin” so I just hung up he always does childish stuff like that anything to make me feel insecure n tear me down I can’t even think of a time he’s actually said anything nice about me.. I’m only 19 my body is something I’m still insecure about not my face or anything else just my body.. he already knows I don’t like when he talks about other females around me if I was to talk about a guy he’d get mad n say they don’t really want me they just wanna have sex with me. He’s 28 but I feel like I’m dealing with a high schooler by the way he acts. Had me thinking we’d be a family for months I waited & he never intended on doing that he just wanted me to chase him & wanted to waste my time. My first child & I have to go through something like this...

@Jasmine I never said my insecurities was his problem I said he does n says those things to make me feel low. & every time I ask him about co parenting he just says chill so.. idk honestly & I’m AWARE if we aren’t together he can do what he wants BUT if I was to do the same it would be a problem he would get mad.