Mostly venting, slightly confused 🤪


So I'm 4 days late now which for me means I've missed my period completely (3 day cycle). I definitely thought I had a faint positive around 10dpo on frer, however nothing has been getting darker so it was just an indent. Just tested again with 2nd MU and still nothing. I'm assuming I maybe ovulated late but I'm on CD38, so idk😐 I'm newer to opks and didn't realize the line had to be darker so I honestly am not sure when I truly did ovulate, just going by both apps I use for my dpo. Today would be 18dpo if the apps are accurate. Pic of the test from just a bit ago plus I took an ovulation test too just to see lol. I'm just frustrated at this point and if I'm not preg, I just want AF to show herself; I'm typically never late, but sometimes early. Anyone else? 🙃