AmI a bad wife for not celebrating his special day?

Where I live Father's day is today. I had plans for my husband, and then just before the weekend I caught a terrible cold. I have fever and am miserable. He hasn't been very accommodating. I have had to beg him to take the kids so I could take a nap, so I'm a bit upset with that. Then today came and because I am sick I couldn't do the things I had planned and now he's upset with me for not celebrating him. He has been calling me names I have asked him not to call me and even went as far as saying I was cheating on him because I didn't make a social media post about him. I get that he is disappointed, but I'm sick. I can't help that. I don't have the energy to anything. Am I in the wrong for this? He makes me feel horrible, at the same time I can't help but feeling he's childish and entitled.