Who’s wrong

I was with my bf yesterday celebrating my birthday weekend, we’ve been having a few issues because I’m open with my phone.. him on the other hand always has his phone facing down and I never know who he’s texting but I always brush it off. Yesterday he was on it more than usual (but we were with friends) so I put it to the side until everyone left. Majority of his friends left I went to the room to get my phone, I tap his screen (we have same phone case so I thought it was mine) I see three new msgs from a girl. I instantly put it down and looked for my phone but I was already upset because how I was feeling. I’m the type where when I get mad I need to be alone, I don’t want to talk I just need space. He came in the room noticed and we started going at it because I just wanted to sleep by that point. He was getting mad because he wanted to fix it right there and then I just wasn’t interested. I told him I was leaving I’m done with the conversation he gets so mad slams the door open I walk out and see his roommate and their bff I wave bye and he yells. “Tell her bye because this is the last fucking time you’re seeing this girl!!”

I felt so embarrassed I open the door he slams it right behind me and all I hear is “you stupid fucking bitch” he’s never talked to me this way. I’m so embarrassed we haven’t talked

Whenever I’m mad I’m not the one to yell, so the way he treated me, extremely hurtful. What do you think?