Oh baby, what a night!


I am so lucky with our baby.

Which is why I didn't see this coming.

Or I wasn't prepared.

So I diapered and fed our baby before bed.

During burping I heard his but explooode.

But I'm staying cool. He's done this before.. Just filling the diaper..

So I finish burping him and we cuddle for like 10 more minutes...

Then I go into checking the diaper.. Only to find poo everywhere all the way up to his neck!

So I'm not starting to wipe all that, I wipe the basics and prepare his bath.

While I prepare his bath he pees all over himself and everything around him. But ok most of it was covered in poo by then.

So while I'm preparing his bath I'm carrying our naked dirty baby trying to get his changing cushion clean so I could dry him off.

Then I bathe him.

I dry him.

I dress him.

Only to find out...

His pyjamas is too small. Like I can literally not close it. After his arms are already in.

It seemed like forever to take it off.

Another one for the stack.

Now I'm cleaning up poop, pee, bath, laundry.

Goodnight mommies! ❤️🛀💩