Opk confusion can I get some help

Hey y’all,

So this is my first month trying for my second baby. It took us 2 years with my first, had to go on chlomid.

So I’ve done this before.

Anyway, so I got digital OPKS this round as well as some cheapies from amazon. My cycles have always been longer 35-40 days)

So I started testing for ovulation since a day about cd 12-13, I got my first positive on cd 21(10/24) and then I was like okay I’m done. Lol.

But then on the 29th I went to the bathroom and felt this huge need to take another opk. I felt off. So I did and it was even darker than the one from the 24th. So I was like okay and we had sex.

Anyway so now, I’m 4 days from my period. And today I got a box from clear blue in the mail of replacement digital opks bc the box I used this month like did not work at all. Anyway, the first one I took gave me a blank circle and I was like ahh good. But the lines on the test were pretty dark. (I know the lines don’t mean anything.) so I went pee now (3 hours later) and something told me to test again and all of the sudden it’s flashing smiley and the lines are the same color.

I read once that your LH can raise right before your period but upon looking more into it I can’t find much that actually backs that theory. I’m still 4 days away.

I have taken pregnancy tests and they are all negative as of now.

Any theories? I don’t think I’m ovulating this late I feel off again though.