Cows Milk amount?

Alyssa • Boy Mom ☺️💙🐶 Dog Mom

So our ped. said to start using supply cups (or 360) for formula to get our son acclimated to not using a bottle. He drinks water out of everything just fine but flips when the formula is in one of them. Also, he will be exclusively on cows milk once he turns 1 in a few weeks. He eats solid foods like a champ so I’m not worried. I guess I have 2 questions, 1. Do I just kick the bottle cold Turkey and put the milk in a 360 and let him deal? And 2. How much cows milk should he be having? Currently he’s drinking 3-8oz bottles of formula a day with each meal. I’m guessing he shouldn’t be drinking 24 Oz of cows milk..🤣