Boyfriend is lying


Hi ladies so I just became official with this guy like 2 weeks ago and when I tried to request him on insta he wouldn’t accept it, when I asked him why he said his Instagram was glitching ever since the last update. I know this is a red flag. I use a fake account to follow him to see if he really could accept and to see what he is posting. There is nothing sketchy about other girls or anything which is why I didn’t get why he wouldn’t let me. Then I get a dm from some girl saying that she is his ex gf and that they were together for 5 years. Saying he is horrible, a cheater, a liar etc and that she saw me follow him and wanted to tell me. She also said he calls her everyday begging for her back etc. I later today asked him if he is still in contact with any of his ex’s and he said no. I saw on his phone the call log and her name was on the whole thing, also they were talking in iMessage that day. I can’t just confront him bc I used a fake account, how can I confront him without throwing myself under a bus?