He blocked me

My ex and I decided to try for a baby. We tried for 4 months before I became pregnant. He out of the blue broke up with me before I knew I was pregnant though. I found out 4 days after we broke up. I tried calling and texting him to let him know and he instantly blocked me. I even went to his house and he wouldn’t open the door to talk about it with me. I ended up going to his dads house and his dad wants to be involved regardless. About a week later I posted a video on TikTok about being pregnant and he seen it and finally reached out to me about the baby. He said he was excited to be a father, he just thought I was lying about pregnancy to keep him around. I let it go and after that decided to share with him everything I had already started buying in preparation. He seemed excited the whole time. He even went to the ultrasound with me 2 weeks ago and I haven’t heard from him since. I haven’t text him bc there’s been nothing to talk about. I did message him last night some pictures of stuff a family member bought me for the baby and come to find out he now has my phone number blocked. I just don’t understand what went wrong. It’s been almost 2 weeks since we’ve talked and last time we talked he told me he would always be here for the baby and would be the best dad possible. Now I’m blocked on everything. I know I can’t do anything to make him want to be involved. I just hate having to do this alone.