Ttc 2nd baby, over 35, bf, infertility treatment required for first baby

C. • 39,💍, 1 mc 10/3/18 👼🏻, 1st IUI 2/19 ❌, 2nd IUI 🤰🏼twins 🌈🌈 due 12/2019, Lost twin B 👼🏻, grieving my mom 8/19/19 💔, Baby girl 12/8/19 👶🏼

Feeling like the odds are a little stacked against me to conceive baby 2 naturally. My 11 month old was conceived through <a href="">IUI</a> and injectable fsh. I’m using opk but I think bf is making ovulation slow down. Anyone experienced this? My doc won’t do fsh while I’m still bf, which makes sense. I’m in no rush to quit bf. I think patience is the name of the game, but I’m going on 39 and feel like time is of the essence.