Unable to trust my own body.

Stephanie • 28 • PCOS 1• ectopic • 3 fur babies• California 🌞

I struggled with infertility for so many years. All of a sudden after my divorce and dating someone new I magically got pregnant. (The tea on the guy is piping hot)... Anyways i was shocked because HOW... It ended as an ectopic. I am finally with someone I have truly fallen in love with, we decided we wanted to try and here I am on CD 32 wondering is my period about to start and come in like a disaster or am I pregnant? Is this ectopic again? I hate this feeling. I wish I just knew if my body was capable. I have feelings of both my AF about to start and little feelings like I had when I was pregnant. I took a test last week but it was early and not FMU. Anyways rant over and why do my boobs hurt like this damn. 😅😭