Sleeping disaster


A week ago, bug started waking up at around 2am for 3 hours. So he would sleep again at 5, 6am or even 7am and obviously wake up like at 10/11am. Went on for some days which pushed his nap to even later (btn 3&4pm), having him wake up around 5/6 pm. And as life had it, he started sleeping 5/6 hours after his nap (before he had a 3/4 hours wake window) which now means he goes to bed for the night at midnight. The positive side is, that is the time i have been going to bed even when he was on his 7/8pm bedtime sleep routine and he doesnt wake up all night for longer than 5 minutes (wakes up to feed and goes right back) so i get some sleep. It is way better than me going to bed at midnight and then he wakes up at 2am and doesnt sleep again.

Anyway, the down side is he still sleeps up to 10/11am.

How can i get him to sleep at 8pm and wake up at 7/8 am without being awake so long at night? I mean he sleeps "through" when he sleeps at midnight and uses the same hours so moving the bedtime should get him to sleep through but only at better times.

I have tried giving him a day with no nap to see if he can stay awake from 11am to at least 6pm so that we change his sleep cycle but he gets tired by 4pm. 4 pm is too early so he wakes up again thus pusbing wake window and bed time even further. Yet if i wake him up at 8am, he will instead want to nap again at 10am for a short power nap which means we get two naps that day, going back to the same weird hour sleep circuses.

Why cant i win? I mean, am not complaining about his multiple wakings for a feed. Cant he just go back to the sleep routine we had? By now he should sleep through the night like other beautiful babies but am still night dancing. It is like am in a sleeping tornado, just going round and round and round with no sight of light in the eye of the storm.

End vent. All tips welcome. Will try the apple too. Lol