Just so grateful


I was laying in bed last night and my thoughts began to wander to the days of what felt like endless injections, doctor appointments, ultrasounds, bloodwork etc. I was so afraid I would never get the chance to experience motherhood. I obsessed and googled everything, constantly. I worried and I cried and I grieved.

Fast forward to today, my life and my heart are filled with joy. I love being a mother. I love watching life through her eyes. I love seeing her grow and explore and learn new things. I love hearing her laugh. There is no better feeling than holding her when she is upset and feeling her body melt into mine. My favorite part of the day is walking in the door and seeing her face light up when she sees me.

I adore my daughter and as much as infertility severely impacted my life, I feel like that expierence allowed me to truly appreciate what so many people take for granted. I cherish every moment. Don't get me wrong, sometimes motherhood can be really tough... I get exhausted and there are times she makes me want to pull my hair out, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I am so happy and my life is so full.

I just wanted to express my thoughts and feelings to other people who can understand. Thanks for reading. I hope everyone is healthy and happy. Have a wonderful holiday season and stay safe!!!