Sleep Aids


Ok so with my first baby I used all of the things to get him to sleep. Snuggle me pillow, mamaroo, boppy newborn lounger, swings, car seat.

With my second I was adamant that I wasn’t going to use any of these and always try to lay her flat and swaddled.

I’ve held out 7 weeks and haven’t used any of these things for her naps but I just gave in. She is napping on the boppy newborn lounger in the pack n play (I’m right here watching her).

Do you think this will ruin her night time sleep? Right now she’s doing a 5-7 hour stretch in her bassinet swaddled and I don’t want to ruin it.

I’m ok with letting her use this stuff during the day as long as she will go on her bassinet at night.

What do you guys think? What are your a opinions on sleep aids?