Would this upset you?

My daughter is 2.

My mom will feed my daughter way to much food. We (husband and I) have a rule if you throw food then you are done eating. Well my daughter will start throwing all the food and my mom will still be shoving food down her throat when she clearly isn’t hungry. Even when I tell her to stop she will not.

We do not allow cosleeping and my family knows this. We (Husband, mom, grandma and I) stayed in a hotel. My daughters crib was beside our bed. In the middle of me sleeping I hear my grandma pick my daughter up and put her in bed with my mom and said “here lay with grandma” I immediately woke up and put her back into the crib.

My daughter woke up at 7am and it was 9pm and she didn’t have a nap all day. When we got to the hotel I wanted my daughter to shower and go into the crib to calm down and get ready for bed. My grandma insisted that she play in the hotel and I told them no she needs her rest. Well as soon as my husband goes to the bathroom they take her out of the crib to play. They walk all over me and only listen to my husband until he walks away. They don’t respect a thing I say and he won’t get involved either

We have a rule in the car that if you throw your toy in the car then you no longer have your toy (preparing for when baby #2 is here so she doesn’t hit him while throwing things) so my daughter threw her toy (she was clearly tired) so I said no more toy. My grandma went to give the toy back and I said “she doesn’t need her toy. She is trying to sleep” and she said “oh she is” and she put all these toys on her lap to play with completely ignoring what I said.

We were somewhere where there was a lot of people and they took her out of her stroller after I said not to and let her walk by herself (I can’t run that fast after her as I’m 30 weeks pregnant) and my daughter went to a stranger and kissed them and hugged them, then she went into the gift shop and was playing in animals as they just stay back and laugh while I’m struggling to keep up with her and when I try to put her in the stroller they start telling me some crap.

I’m tired of not being respected as a mom. They think that since they are older and were a mom first that they know more. I’m so over it.