my SO hiding a child from me

Ladies help me out how would you feel?

I’ve been together with my bf for about 5 months almost 6. Out of the blue he tells me he has a child on the way with another girl. I asked him how long he’s known and he said a couple months. I told you so you’ve been lying to my face for months then. This boy had the nerve to say he didn’t lie and that he told me before which had never happened. So I said if you told me before then why did you say you had to tell me something and tell me that. His dumb ass said oh to remind you. Are you fucking joking..Eventually he admitted he did lie. He said he didn’t know how to tell me which I think is bullshit. He didn’t tell me because he didn’t want to. He also said he didn’t want to tell me because he wasn’t sure if the child is his and says he is going to do a test to find out if the baby is his. Now I feel like if you hide this from me for a long time then clearly you must think it is yours. Also I asked if he told his family and he said yes so how is that you unsure to tell me but you told them. If he thought it was possible at all for her to be carrying his child then he should have told me. That oh I’m not sure is bullshit bc even if you feel like it’s a 1% chance you need to tell me. This sick part about this is the last couple months he’s been telling me how badly he wants me to have a baby with him. I’ve told him multiple times I don’t want to have children rn and that I’m waiting to have kids. But he always talks about it saying oh we can at least have one rn (he always tells me “we can do it”) and then have more kids later on. So he had the nerve to be trying to get me to have his child and the whole time he had been keeping one from me. Y’all the mother of his child is having the baby this month in a couple of weeks. He told me a couple of weeks ago and I told him you literally telling me too late tho and he says it’s not too late she still has around 20 days to deliver the baby. LIKE WHAT???? Where does the common sense kick in. She literally has less than a month to have the baby and he thinks that’s not too late. He is immature. I feel like he should have told me when he found out. How can you tell someone to have a child with you when you have one on the way that you have been hiding??? Is that not a sick thing to do? I can’t even imagine if I said yes we can try for one. Like then I would be pregnant not even knowing he has a baby on the way. I dont even think he would tell me. When we would talk about kids he literally told me to move in with him so we could raise a baby together in the same house. He’s said so many times can’t wait to get you pregnant or can’t wait to see your stomach get big. Like who says that and you hiding the fact you have a kid on the way.

Btw I have a feeling he knew for way longer. Because when we first started talking to each other he asked me if I would date someone with a kid and I said no and he would ask why, saying that I’m wrong for my choice. Later on, he jokingly said I got a kid, you gonna leave me and I didn’t say anything back and then he said I’m just joking you know I would never do you like that. And ik he jokes around like that all the time. That happened a long time ago too. And if he did know for way longer he lied about that too because he told me he just found out a couple months ago.

Also when I asked him why is he not with her and he said oh because I’m with you and then he said i don’t see her like that. Sooo you don’t see her like that but she’s having your child ?? He also said they were not in a relationship. Like I just can’t take the bullshit. He also told me that she knows about me which rubbed me the wrong way because how does she know about me but I don’t know about her. And how do I not know they haven’t been together when he was with me. I literally know nothing. He hasn’t told me really anything about it at all.

He also has the nerve to tell me a strong woman would stay like no sir if I was weak and let that slide then I would stay. And he also said oh you just gonna leave me when I’m having a baby now that I’m going thru stuff. He always tries to spin stuff on me when he knows he is in the wrong.

Another part that makes me upset is how he would accuse me of stuff. He would accuse me of hiding stuff or lying when I never was. And whole time he was lying and hiding things from me. I rmb when he kept doing that I would tell him when ppl keep accusing and there’s no reason to it, it is probably because they doing it themselves and he would shut me down about that. Whenever I would say you’re lying he would look me in my eyes and say when have I ever lied to. Like wow he played me because I believed him. I told him how do I know that you not gonna lie or hide things again and he said I am not, I promise and then I told him but that’s alr what you been telling me and you was lying.. I asked so what else you hiding and he said that’s the only thing.

I feel very betrayed. I don’t trust him at all. How could he just be lying to my face for so long. And then expect me to just be fine and stay like nothing happened. We’ve only talked about it for a short time because I had to go somewhere after but ik we still have to talk about things bc it’s a lot I didn’t say and I would like him to understand the severity of this. I really don’t think he gets it. Next time I see him I need to talk about it. It’s hard for me to do that rn bc I had to stay home for a while so I haven’t talked to him face to face since the last time. As of rn we are together but I have to be honest with myself.

It’s so hard because ik I love him and we have such good times together and built a great bond. But at the same time I don’t think I can get over the fact he’s been lying and then technically trying to manipulate me by accusing me, making me feel like well he can’t be doing that stuff then. I really felt like he wasn’t lying or hiding stuff because he would say all types of stuff making it seem true. I believed him at one point and then now ik all of that was fake like I still can’t believe it. I guess I’m kind of in shock.

Part of me feels like I love him and he loves me and we care about each other so I don’t want to leave. And then the other part is telling me girl don’t just let that slide that is not okay and that’s not what you want to deal with.