Getting on birth control for him

I’ve been having sex with this guy occasionally for some time. In July I got tested and got an std.. from him. I let him know and he said he’d take care of it. Didn’t really talk to him for about a month but I really wanted to have sex so I ended up hitting him back up because I didn’t want to sleep with an ex or a stranger. He’s really the only person I’ve slept since I got out of a relationship. We have unprotected sex and he usually nuts in me.. everytime, just both reckless 🤦‍♀️ We also have never established whether we were exclusive or not, I just thought it was common sense since we were going raw.. everytime?? I’ve never had a pregnancy scare and I get tested regularly but I realized how stupid that is. About a week ago he told me that I should probably get on birth control I just agreed and went about my day. I’ve never really given thought to birth control since I’ve never really had sex that often. I’ve heard various horror stories about how it messes up your body and your hormones,etc. I’ve never been against it but it’s not something I was interested in and to be honest still am not. I am willing to get it on it for him but I don’t want to get on it and stop talking to him or just be with him like twice a month, because what’s the point.. I’d rather just use condoms. Yesterday I told him that if we wanted to keep going raw he had to stop being with other people and he said alright. Assuming, he said that because he indeed has been with other people.. which just made me think he’s stupid and reckless and doesn’t give a fuck about me and my health. I know birth control doesn’t prevent STDs but since we’re not using any kind of protection.. we’re risking both pregnancy and STDs and if he doesn’t stop fucking other people (which tbh I don’t know if he will) then the birth control is pointless because the only reason I would get on it is so we can continue to not use condoms. I’m also only 20 so I do not plan on having kids any time soon. I really hope I’m making sense and y’all are understanding my dilemma, im a mess sorry. I guess I just need advice on whether it’s okay to explain this all to him and be mad about it or if I should just get on birth control regardless.. I don’t even know what I’m asking maybe I’m just venting, I’m so stressed about other things and I really don’t want to add this to the plate. I really like him and maybe this will lead to a relationship but I don’t know yet and I don’t wanna ask. I just don’t want to get on birth control for him and him not respect the relationship and agreement we have of not being with other people. Thank you if you read this far lol