Kayleigh • - 26 - 👩‍👧 July 31, 2022 - 🐾 Peanut

So I’m diagnosed with pcos and have battled irregular periods for as long as I can remember. Cycles ranging from 30-45 days.. in the past year I’ve been able to regulate my period and usually comes on or within a couple days of cycle day 31! So here I am at cycle day 38.... NO POSITIVE TEST AND NO PERIOD... I ended up getting a uti and having weird changes with my body I’ve never quite experienced... yesterday cycle 37 I woke up went pee and there was a tiny bit of pink blood... I’ve never in all my time “spotted” or had that as a symptom of menstruation.. just never had it.. me just kinda praying for an answer just stuck a tampon in and went about my day, pulled it out and still no blood still no period?! IS THERE HOPE STILL?? Possible implantation bleeding this late? Has anyone experienced this and still ended up pregnant? Maybe my ovulation was really late?! Let’s talk ladies ♥️🥰 what day in your cycle did you get a BFP?