Falling out of love with my husband

Alexa • Wife of 8 years. Cat and dog mom 🐱🐶

I need some help/advice!

My husband and I have been married for 4 years. We don’t have any children (mutual agreement). Within those 4 years of being married, we have had a lot of fights both verbal and physical. Each time we have gotten past the fights and moved on from them. But lately.. I’ve been feeling more upset with him even when he doesn’t do anything to actually upset me. He wants me to cuddle with him, kiss him, and be more affectionate yet I always just want to be left alone and not touched. I don’t like the intimate feeling anymore. I don’t even feel in love with him anymore and I believe it’s due to the fights that we used to have. I’m just so fed up with him and don’t want to be around him anymore. However, I am willing to work on how I am feeling. I want to be in love with him. I want to feel intimate again and be able to be one with him again. I just don’t know where to begin. I feel so lost with my emotions..

We have brought up counselling before but aren’t really willing to go as we have both had bad experiences in the past.

If any ladies out there could give me advice on what I could do at home, it would be much appreciated!