Don’t feed other ppl kids

My son fall off his swing set today so I took him to hospital. the nurse asked can he have a juice box I said no. I step away to the bathroom that’s in the room leave my son on the bed. I come back out he has a juice box so I asked him where he got it he said the lady with the juice😡. Now I’m upset the reason I said no is because my son his allergies to lots of food and ingredients and I have check and triple check ingredients before he eats/ drinks anything. I quickly take it away. I immediately ask for a supervisor and explain the situation. Then the nurse says “ well why would he take it” 🙄 bitch he two and you gave him a juice oh course he took it. The supervisor made the nurse apologize. But simply don’t feed other ppl kids w/o permission. My son even has a bracelet that says multiple allergies and if he ever not with me a list is keep in his pocket.