Pregnant so Young


I am 18 years old , i turn 19 in like two weeks. and just found out maybe 2 weeks ago I was pregnant . It’s crazy because before I knew i was pregnant , I always said I wanted a baby. But now that it’s a reality I am battling with whether or not I should get an abortion. I am currently in college, with a job in retail. And I just want to be able to give my baby a good life, and make sure he or she never wants for anything. With both me & my boyfriend being 18 and not really ready for a kid i’m not sure what i want to do. I know he would want me to get an abortion, but he told me he will stick behind me regardless . I don’t know what i want. I also believe in GOD, so abortion’s go against everything i believe in but I also believe god is forgiving. Can i get some advice?