Need some opinions

Okay ladies I need some help,

So I’ve been going to this restaurant with my family for a while and me and this waiter have been getting along pretty well you could say. He flirts hard core with me, and my family noticed it before I did. They told me, I started realizing, and then boom I started becoming attracted to him. So of course I flirted back. So he would always stare and watch me, wink, make flirtatious comments, look at me through windows. Basically do it all. I would do the same, to a lower extent I was with my family! So one time I grew some balls to finally give him my phone number and I said “if you’re single, text me.” With my phone number and name on a piece of paper. He replied with “yeah for sure” and wink. It was a big deal, he seemed really into it leaning against a wall with the arm up (classic boy move). Anyways, he never texted me!!! I made up excuses and was finally like you know what maybe he has a girlfriend or he lost it, or he’s not really interested!

So I went back after a while the other day, and he was our waiter (of course 🤦🏽‍♀️) and he was really flirting with me, he was staring at me every chance he got it was so weird! But nothing ever happened! I have a weird connection to it and need to get over it so I need some of y’all’s thoughts on this and oh my lord is he just stuck in my brain!