This is where I drew the line


We broke up on Friday. I ended it. We’ve been together for 2 years and from the beginning I knew my partner had some inner demons that lead to bouts of depression but I never knew what these demons were. Through out the relationship she had told me about a few such as abandonment issues, molestation as a child, anger, drinking/cigarettes to cope, and always putting others needs first. I’ve put up with multiple episodes of being pushed away, told mean things, bouts of anger, mood swings, distancing, lack of communication. I’ve dealt with this so often that it almost seemed like an integral part of the relationship and I still stuck through it even though I was feeling numb because I loved her and partners are supposed to be there for each other. This last episode drew the like for me as she became distant with me for no apparent reason to me, we were really talking, I wasn’t a priority as she was spending more time with others than me and I was kicked to the curb and I felt so down. We went out for a friends bday and had a couple drinks and she decided to get behind the wheel to which I took her keys away and prevented and that infuriated her. I walked away with the keys and she followed me and I felt scared, I felt her pull my hoodie violently and smack my back. She then walked away and I received texts saying “fuck you, I hate you, I never want to see you again” and this moment of feeling fear for the first time from my partner plus her putting her hands on me did it for me. Besides the emotional collapse and downward spiral I’ve been absorbing this was the cherry on top. When we talked she said she’s depressed and feels lost and that something is missing within her and she didn’t want to feel the pressure of making someone else happy or the pressure of having to tell someone good morning or talking every day. The thing is I’ve never asked her for anything more than what she was giving me I was simply stating that what I was given before was no longer being given. She said if we could take a two week break to see what we wanted afterwards. I told her that the issues within herself and what she mentioned about the relationship are not something a two week break will resolve within herself or us and that it was best if we just left it. It’s currently Sunday and I am so broken yet relieved. It is the most odd feeling I’ve ever felt. Any words or advice is welcome. Thank you for reading.