Horrible day as mom

Today was the first time I’ve completely lost my temper and can’t stop thinking about it.

My 2 yr old daughter is in a stage that she doesn’t like to have her poo diaper changed. She screams and cry’s the entire time and I have to hold her down to clean everything. It’s horrible

Today was the worse day. She would t let me clean her. She was fighting me. Arching back, clenching legs together, screaming, crying. ——full blown hysteria.

I held her a few times in between to calm her but Nothing worked.

She was still covered in poo and it had been10 min of fighting and comforting with poo everywhere and me crying and screaming at her to let me wipe her.

There was no reasoning, I had gotten the majority of it off after 20 min of me completely losing my temper, holding her down, etc and her crying and being traumatized, I finally gave up.

My husband got home and finished cleaning her.

But now here I am 8 hrs later crying about how I acted and how I might have traumatized my poor baby and ruined trust.

Has anyone just lost it before? cause I feel like a failure as a mom and can’t stop sobbing.

Also if you have any suggestions to make diaper changing less horrible, I’m all ears!!