
Jadyn • She | Her Bi 🌈

I’ve been having this issue for a few months of this sudden feeling of panic or overwhelming, and there’s this unexplainable feeling in my hands most where I feel like I need to hit something/myself or just move my hands. But in a manner of kinda hurting myself, I normally give myself an Indian burn. I always have this feeling in my stomach, and sometimes i can’t breathe, and i become so very hot. I just want to know what is wrong with me, I don’t want the be that girl that self-diagnoses herself, is that like a panic attack? am I just being dramatic?

Edit: I just wanted to say I’m still not trying to self diagnose myself, the feedback I get with maybe help me understand what is wrong with me and give me an idea on if I should really bring this to my mom. Sorry i just wanted to get that out of the way bc it would not get out of my head.