Ovarian Cyst and pregnant


I need some help.

I was told April 2020 that I had a cyst on my right ovary (I can’t remember the size exactly but it wasn’t big enough to be removed) In June 2020 I found out I was pregnant and also still had the same cyst. After a while they said they couldn’t see it anymore due to my uterus taking up more space and they just couldn’t see my ovary any more but that didn’t mean it was gone. I’m now 25 + 4 and from time to time have some discomfort on my right side where my ovary is. (I’m very aware of where it is because I had an Ectopic pregnancy in 2018 and had to have that tube removed). Sometimes I think it’s just scar tissue from the surgery but other times it hurts a bit and if I press In the area it’s tender. Could it be the cyst? Should I worry? Has anyone else had this?