My kids thought it was bed time so I just went with it 🤣🤣🤣

I work at home and go to school at and 100% on my own with my kids, my moms helps me when she can but she has health problems and can’t always well today was one of the those days and I have night class from 6to9 so I decided an early dinner and shower then I would put on a movie and sit by them with my head phones in. But my kids are so used to getting a bath and going right to bed and after the bath my oldest (3)goes in to his room I put his jammies on then he grabs his book and crawls in to bed and said mommy I’m ready for my story...... I put my youngest in his crib (1.5) ans read the story they said good night ans I walked right out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s only an hour early from their normal bed time but honestly I’m so happy lol I can do my class in peace and they have no idea they had an hour left before bed so as my dad always says let sleeping dog lay hahah