Frustrated, angry, sad

D • 🧿 Married. Mommy to 2 angel babies, both 2nd trimester losses our boy 11.16.2019 👼 & our girl 6.26.2020 👼. Diagnosed w/ IC. Cerclage baby girl 🌈 12/13/21. BSN, RN.

The one year anniversary of my son’s loss was 11.16, my due date for my daughter is only a month away. Stark white negatives month after month. Pregnant women everywhere, on tv, at work. When will it be my turn? When will I be able to hold a baby?

Incompetent cervix sucks. I just want to crawl in a hole and cry.

2.5 years trying, with two losses and no baby. 😢 the holidays will never be a fun time until I hold a baby