Think im preggo with #2

🌼 Ally • Teen mommy ❤

I am 18 with a 16 month old baby and in the middle of moving across the country. Me and my boyfriend always use protection except for this time. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SOOO DUMB. Anyways i've been having symptoms even worse than I did with my son and i tested positive early with him and its been like 2 weeks since the baby dance🙄 so way too early to test. I've been nauseous, been in the bathroom non stop, I had what looked like implantation bleeding a few days ago and I've had very mild cramps. I know I should have used protection but nothing I can do to change it now. I'm stressed and nervous and I don't know how I'm gonna swing it with the move and everything. Ahhhg I just needed to vent