

Sooo guys my BF and I had a loss August 6th of this year and we haven’t really been trying to like conceive but we are just like if it happens it happens type thing. But we also did discuss the fact that he does have 3 kids from his first marriage and he says he would like 4 kids. We discussed the possibility of him getting Vasectomy and or after I have a baby (God willing) getting tubes tied. I’m just wondering what’s everyone’s opinion on either subject. Vasectomy or Tubes tied?

**Little back story on me, I have two angel babies. I got pregnant at 19 and found out I was having a girl, a week later I lost her due to miscarriage (that was with my high school boyfriend) and then August 6th 2020 with my current BF. I’d just really like everyone’s opinions and or stories if they have gone through either” TYSM -Amanda