15 month old delayed?! Kind words needed!


I’m looking for some support, kind words, and maybe even some reasons not to worry too much since that seems to be what I’m best at!

My 15 month old daughter seems to be delayed with walking and talking. She pulls up on furniture and cruises just fine but won’t stand independently or take steps if it isn’t with a walking toy. If she has that, she will walk across the room 100 times! She also was saying “Mama” “Dada” and “bite” 2 months ago along with dancing and clapping but that has all stopped for the most part and she’s only interested in playing on her own time or with my nephews who are several months younger but are able to crawl too! She’s very happy and engaged and will play peek a boo and roll cars on the floor or put the paci in her dolls mouth but after reading a million articles it just seems like she is still behind. She only says “mama” regularly now but it’s used correctly! She doesn’t follow any simple commands but is always making eye contact and smiling and laughing and CONSTANTLY babbling! She was born a month early and had a tough start but I don’t know if that’s enough to make a difference?

If anyone has anything reassuring or similar stories with their children it would do my heart so much good to hear them! I’m a first time Mama who fought very hard to get her here and I’m feeling very defeated right now like this is my fault! Thanks in advance everyone!