I don't 'feel pregnant' 😞

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and have my first scan in a little under 2 weeks time

Some days I have nausea allll day, I've only been sick twice (not complaining about that one!!)

My friend is also pregnant, were roughly the same amount of weeks

And I know every woman and pregnancy is different, but I'm so scared that I don't have the same pregnancy symptoms, I'm actually slightly paranoid that I'm not even pregnant or that our baby isn't developing as they should 😟

My friend has cravings, feels tired and sickness, when she talks to me about her pregnancy I just cannot relate to what she's going through, I've had no cravings and I'm not feeling tired any more than I would do on a normal day and I'm losing weight, only a pound here and there, I mentioned this to my GP and she said it was most likely to do with me feeling nauseous a lot and probably not eating as much without even realising it

Ive booked a private scan at a local clinic for reassurance, but I'm now feeling too anxious to go incase they tell me bad news

Weve been trying for a baby for over a year now and we are both so excited for our little family to come together, I'm just so scared something is wrong 😓

Did any other ladies not have many pregnancy symptoms but still have a healthy pregnancy and baby?

I am probably just being paranoid, I just need some mommas to tell me!
