relationship confusion


basically I am kind of in a thing with this guy that I’ve known for about a year. We hooked up last year but then nothing really happened so we stop talking and then this year we decided to pick it back up. so we’ve been officially talking since mid September. at the beginning things were really great. he seemed so interested in me and really put in the effort with me. he lives about an hour and a half away from my college but that didn’t stop him from coming over whenever he could and vice versa. he would always call me when he was off of work or before going to bed and i literally felt myself falling for him. I haven’t seen him in about a month now and since I last saw him things have been kind of off with him. He stopped calling me, he stopped telling me how his day was, he hasn’t talked about his family which he usually does.  i’ve tried talking to him about what’s been going on and he’s hinted that there is something bothering him but he doesn’t really want to talk about it. Ever since he’s hinted that somethings been wrong every time I try to tell him I miss him or I wish I could see him more often he kind of dismisses it and doesn’t really say much about it or then asks me if i’m talking to other guys (he’s been cheated on in the past so i understand why he gets concerned but it’s still weird) I am worried that he doesn’t want to be with me anymore but he’s the type of person to always say what’s on his mind and he told me at the beginning if he wasn’t feeling it anymore he would tell me right away. So the fact that he’s been so quiet is weird to me. i don’t know if he’s scared to officially be with me since he also kinda hinted that he’s scared of being vulnerable or if it’s something completely unrelated to me. either way i just don’t know what to do anymore