
Ashley • Pregnant with Di/Di TWINS due July 19th, 2021 with Clomid and Heart Shape Uterus. Mommy to Clara 💕 Nov. 2018

Yesterday, I went in for my first ultrasound. I should’ve been around approximately six weeks and two days. I wasn’t really able to see the screen while the technician was working. But they wanted me to come in early anyway- I knew I wouldn’t see a heartbeat. But what my husband didn’t inform to tell me and let me find out from the technician- THERE WERE TWO YOLK SACS. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise for me I had no idea what I was looking at (until a baby shows up- I have no clue!) they were only yolk sacs, no visible poles yet. But I’m definitely earlier than what is based off of LMP as I have longer cycles too. We go in the week of November 30th to confirm viability. Yikes, so nervous. Doctor said she believes everything will be fine, but it’s my nature to worry! Prayers please ❤️

Babies conceived with 100mg Clomid. No twin history in families either. I knew it was a possibility with Clomid. But my first was a single baby. Shocked and speechless.