I Am Still A Fighter

TayloredforMitch • 40ish TTC wife and mother of two...and one beautiful baby boy born asleep👼🏽 and 3 MMC.

These past two weeks have been ugly and painful is the best way to put it. I last my job on 11/12 (long story though pregnancy discrimination played a part) and on 11/19 I began to suffer a miscarriage (I'm still goingthrough it). I have been on an emotional roller-coaster but I am forever reminded that God is still in control. He always has the best plans for us. I will not quit. I will not give up. He will never leave me nor forsake me.

My new job is just around the corner. I know that God's promises are real so I will conceive again but next time with a double reward. I trust him. I had to remind myself that the mind is a battlefield and will overtake me if I allow it. I could allow the enemy to taint my thoughts but he has already been defeated. I know that he would rather see me give up on God instead of getting to the place where God is taking me. I have to encourage myself reminding myself of his word that he will never leave me nor forsake me. I will dust myself off, get my feet planted back on solid ground, and we will try again and succeed because it is all in his plans.

For the word says in 2 Corth 4:17 "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory"

That reminder made me shout! God is still in control and knows every single plan that he has for our lives and it will manifest in his timing. So I will continue to pray, to seek him, and know that this is all working together for my good but for his glory.